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Author: danisha bhopal

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10 ways to step up as an ally to non-binary people

14 July is International Non-Binary People's Day, which aims to celebrate the wide range of people worldwide who identify as non-binary. But do you know what it means to be non-binary? And do you know how you can better support non-binary people? Here are some ideas!

Non-binary is an umbrella term for people whose gender identity doesn't sit comfortably with ‘man' or ‘woman'. Non-binary identities are varied and can include people who identify with some aspects of binary identities, while others reject them entirely.

Non-binary people can feel that their gender identity and gender experience involves being both a man and a woman, or that it is fluid, in between, or completely outside of that binary.

In order to understand non-binary gender identities better, it's vital to understand the difference between gender identity and gender expression.

When I talk about sex, I mean whatever that means to you as a couple

So, it's about talking to people about date night and scheduling it as a priority and making sure you have a babysitter and making sure there's private time for intimacy. And you know, I always normalize it. I'm not talking about penetrative sex. When I'm talking about my patients, I'm talking about intimacy, I'm talking about whatever that means to you.

I have a lot of men who have impotence because of their arthritis or because of their medications. I have a lot of women who can no longer tolerate vaginal penetration. I have a lot of women that can't tolerate orgasm or haven't been able to achieve orgasm because of neuropathy. And it's kind of re-establishing that communication.

Rebecca Gillett: Well, you mentioned some medications. Are there specific medications that can hinder sex drive or motivation to even participate? Is there specific medications out there that might be an issue?

And how to maintain that healthy emotional relationship with your partner

Iris Zink, NP: Yeah. There's an appendix in the book. I think probably the most common offender that I see is gabapentin, believe it or not, which is an anti-seizure medication. I check hormone levels on my new patient visit. Cortisol rushes will make your hormones low, too, just from the stress of the diagnosis. Your prednisone is affecting your adrenal axis.

How do you start that conversation, Iris, when it comes to your partner, without hurting their feelings and saying, you know, whether it's a man or a woman, saying, "I love you, but I'm not in the mood

Pete Scalia: Vicky, you said off the bat that you had a patient who actually mentioned the mechanics of it to you. How do you get that conversation started though? Since somebody might feel physically and mechanically like, well, gee, I guess that's just something I can't do anymore.

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Maybe I love Montreux, which is like this, you know, French stand-up comedy gathering

Katie: Yeah, I love that

Let's talk about stress, for example. If you're really stressed, really anxious, you can get angry at something as well. You can try to find something that really annoys you and get mad at it. Just make a fuss about something as a mom. And that's going to get you out of your anxious zone, out of your stress zone. And it's very positive. Another one I find really, really good that I personally do, sometimes you go through family things that are really difficult. And I found my way through stand-up comedies. And you just, you know, take, again, you go on YouTube this time. There's like lots in the world. And you find your best stand-up comedian people. And it's 10 minutes of your time. It just makes you laugh. It changes your breathing pattern. And it allows you to let go of the other emotions you were hanging on to.

And yeah, like you said, I think maybe kids are inherently a little better about this until we train them not to be. And I've even said to my kids at times, like when they're crying, saying like, oh yeah, sometimes I cry too. And what big emotions are you feeling right now? And just giving them space, a safe space to feel that. And I've often, maybe that's what adults need as well, like you're talking about. And I think you have such a unique combination of knowledge here of that Eastern and Western traditions in medicine meeting and how they can both be beneficial.

6. It's not like other relationships you've had

In the past, maybe you had a couple casual relationships but this one is different. Why? Because this isn't about only getting what you want from it, this is based on you supporting each other and bringing out the best in one another. That's what makes this different than the others. You have a feeling that this is genuine and selfless love.

7. You share opinions without fear

Usually, people are nervous to tell their partner opinions which they may not agree with. But the thing is, this is what makes a couple stronger and healthier. You should be able to voice your opinion in front of your partner and talk about it. Regardless of the opinion, you need to feel comfortable to speak your mind. [Read: The 15 phases of a healthy relationship]

8. You decide together

You're in a relationship, so it's not just about you anymore.

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What exactly are Spirit Ties? Understanding an alternate Intimate Connection

Perhaps you have came across people you just wouldn't let go? A person who taps to your center on a totally different peak? You are feeling a heart link. It commitment exceeds butterflies in your belly or impact smitten: It is a powerful thread that will significantly impression everything. If you're trying identify what you happen to be experience, we've verbal with many different professionals who makes it possible to profile they out. Understand the power of soul ties, different products, and exactly how you might crack all of them if you want to.

“I dated a serial cheater”: three women share their horror stories

Ever been in a romantic relationship with a cheater? Well, you're not alone. According to a 2018 study in the Netherlands, between 18% and 25% of Tinder users are already in a committed relationship - meaning a quarter of swipers could be cheats. And in 2020, Ashley Madison, the dating Hemsidan network for extramarital affairs, reached a whopping 70 million registered users.

Even without the statistics, we all know someone that's cheated or been cheated on, and it could even be something that's affected us in our own relationships. But there are so many reasons why people cheat: whether it's that they're feeling unappreciated in the relationship, their sexual needs aren't being fulfilled, or they're struggling to keep the romantic spark alive.

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